
"An Apple A Day Keep the doctor away" I am a girl lik to share the feeling inside my heart to ppl but i dunlik to tell ppl sometime,so i use to types here as a way to let ppl know ~ X student form SJKC Chong Wen& SMK Sri sentosa. Now i am student of Tar College , study business in marketing~


考試...又到了...=.= Exam

In this year ,many thing happen to me,fren problem,love problem and family problem...somemore ,i join Sentosa Idol 1st time in this year,but i no in to final,i am sry to many fren who support me...sry,guy n gal...i stil got next year,i wil do my best for next year...
Exam,i scare ,i worry n i hate it...i scare is cant get a good result,i worry come out quenstion in exam i dunknw hw to do it,i hate cox whn get result,i sure get scold...me in my family is the eldest,i need teach my sister whn she having exam,after she fns her exam ,i need to prepare for my exam...haix....hope this time exam i can get a gud result...

